Monday, September 14, 2009

My husband

I wanted to take a moment to say something about my husband. This man gets up early in the morning, when he'd much rather sleep in, to go to PT (I still have no clue what this stands for). He works on helicopters everyday, burning his hands, scraping his knuckles, sweating, and cursing when something goes wrong. He counsels soldiers when it's necessary. But he's a friend to them when he doesn't have to be the boss. He's so kind hearted to the least of them. He really goes out on a limb for these guys. He loves these guys, truly loves them. I can see it when he's frustrated with them for whatever it may be, I see that he's frustrated with them because he expects better ... and he knows they're better.

John stands by these guys, holds them up when they can't stand (mostly to alcohol ... let's not kid ourselves ... they all just got home) ... pays their tabs when they can't, listens when they need to get things off their chests, and backs off when he knows they need their space. It's like he can read their feelings without ever saying a word.

His closest friend, Tony, is like his big brother. They may bitch and moan about each other, but it's rare you'll find one out and about without the other, or without talking about the other. They haven't always been close, but I know this brotherhood will last a lifetime. We're very blessed to have Tony, Katrin, and their youngin', Julian as a part of our Army family.

His guys, Travis, Record, Miller, Houston, Parmy, Calderon, Cantu ... are like his compadres. I see these men looking up to John all the time. He may miss it ... it's sometimes hard to notice something you see everyday ... but I see it. They see how he respects them. They know that John knows wrong from right, and they respect his decisions. His superiors know he's smart, they know he's talented. They really entrust him with a lot. Right now, he's "running" the company, pilots and all. This is big timing it! He is really excited about this experience, since this is one of his goals ... to be a First Sergeant. I'm so proud of all the extra duties he has on his plate. I know he gets stressed out over them sometimes, but I know he handles these tasks with professionalism. That, is something, you can't learn ... it's something you are instilled with.

It's not just the ones he knows that he looks after. Just the other day, we're driving home and find a party. Some guy is far too intoxicated for his own good. John jumps out of the car to clean up the situation at hand, and NONE of these soldiers know him, they're not even in his battalion, and they jump to near attention. They know he's here to help, but don't cross him ... or he'll hem you up. Then about a week ago, we're driving home from the Shopette, and there's this brand new private. This is this boy's, and I say boy truthfully ... since he looked 15, first duty station. He had what John called a bare flash (front of his beret). John shouted for this boy to come over, nearly scaring him. The boy came to parade rest and kept calling John, Sergeant. John was concerned as to why someone hasn't given him his unit sign thingy (I can't remember the name of it). This poor boy was scared of John, and John was just looking out for that boy. He was mad that someone wasn't helping this boy feel part of his unit.

I see how John looks after these guys and I know that, when the time comes, he's going to be a great father. In the meantime, I can see why he wants to be a Drill Sergeant. He wants these recruits to be the best they can be. He wants to teach them to be great soldiers, and great citizens to boot.

I look up to him and his core values as a person. He's the most honest, trustworthy, caring, and compassionate person I know. I truly am blessed to have this man in my life.

I could never ask for a better best friend, partner, penguin, soul mate, or husband.

John, I truly feel like the most loved person that walks this planet. I'm so lucky you found me :) Remember, no matter how much water or sand is put between us ... I am and always will be waiting for your safe return.

I love you, Penguin of Mine.


  1. How amazing, Dana. I cannot wait to meet this wonderful man who obviously completes you and makes you want to be a better person (you're already an amazing friend). He seems like a truly good person, and those are so hard to find. This brought tears to my eyes--it really did. I can see how much you love John and it's stunning.

  2. Thank you so much Elizabeth, he really does complete me and I'm so thankful for him.
